Keep it with you when you travel to find ATMs abroad, check Exchange Rates and get assistance if your card is lost or stolen.
** What’s new (or improved) in this version:
** Pay with your visa card
No more leftover coins when you come back from a trip abroad! The app now includes lots of information on how easily and frequently you can use your Visa card around the world, so you don’t need to bring extra cash.
** Push notifications
Get useful notifications when you’re travelling!
** Improved: card lost or stolen?
It is now even easier to get immediate assistance, wherever you are, if you lose your Visa card. You can call a worldwide 24/7 customer service number at the press of a button directly from the Visa Travel Tools app.
** Currency converter
Get the official Visa rates from all major currencies in the world. You can even add a commission rate or change the date to know exactly how much you paid for that great t-shirt you bought on holiday!
** Exchange rates work offline
Exchange rates to your home currency are automatically stored on your phone so you can still use the currency converter when you are offline (for more up to date rates, connect to wi-fi)
** ATMs / bank cash machines
Your Visa card is accepted in more than 2 million ATMs and bank cash machines in 220 countries. Use the map in Visa Travel Tools to discover all the ATM locations around you (or your next destination). You can even save them to view offline!
** Travel tips
Do you know what is the difference between paying in the ‘local’ vs. ‘home’ currency? Check out our travel tips to learn new tricks and make your holiday money last longer!
With millions of merchants accepting it worldwide, using your Visa card is safer and easier than using cash. Visa Travel Tools makes it even easier when you’re travelling!</br>